GG's Babette

One of my favorite shows is Gilmore Girls. It's well-written, well-acted, and terribly funny. Last night, The WB aired a re-run from earlier in the season. It was the second episode (title: "New and Improved Lorelai"). I caught the last 5 or 10 minutes as I ate dinner and laughed out loud all over again as Babette (played quite memorably by Sally Struthers) came running frantically toward Luke. The thing that made me laugh is that I could feel her pain. She's rather well-endowed and had to hold on to her "boobage" as she ran. I know the feeling. I've lived that scene. It was hysterical. Some still shots:

[Babette Running]

Normally, I wouldn't bother writing about this sort of thing. In point of fact, I did not write about it the first time I saw the episode. However, today, I came across a rather interesting article...all about the science of bras. The timing was too good to pass up. And, since I, if nothing else, aim to educate with this here web page, I give you: The Physics of Bras from Discover Magazine. 'Gotta love the subtitles: "Force = Mass x Acceleration" and "Overcoming Newton's second law with better bra technology." I tell you, I'm gonna be first in line when this science pays off!

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